Is college new to you? Have you been at PCC for several semesters? Either way, you might have encountered frustrating thefts or frightening “close-calls” with aggressive people or unsafe situations. 因为我们有多年处理这些问题的经验 situations, we want you to know some common lessons we have learned that might help.

Tips for Staying Safe on Campus

Here are some important (and easy) questions to consider to help make sure you are prepared should an unsafe situation arise.


You don’t have to look around constantly, but it’s good to assess each new area you 进去,而不是边走边看手机或听音乐.


By pressing the red button on any of these phones, you’ll be directly connected to us at PCC Campus Police and Safety Services, or you can save our number on your cell 您可以拨打电话(626)585-7484十大靠谱棋牌游戏. We’ll be there as soon as we can.

Is there a police escort service available?

Yes! 请拨打校园警察和安全电话(626)585-7484,我们会处理 rest. 你永远不必独自走过黑暗、空旷的校园.

What about the shuttle you've seen occasionally? When does it run and where does it go?

Our courtesy shuttle (free of charge) runs from 6:30am to 10:45pm Monday through Thursday (and until 5:45pm on Friday). Read more about the shuttle.

Are your belongings in your sight while you're in class or studying at the library or laboratory?

Being friendly with classmates is a great idea, but it’s risky to leave your backpack, 无人值守的钱包、电话或其他媒体设备. Sometimes they can be too tempting, so someone who wouldn't have been interested in stealing them might decide that it’s so easy, “why not?”


This is a harder one to answer, but you can resolve it by taking a self-defense course. 这些运动既有趣又有信息量——是一种很好的锻炼!

在PCC,我们提供一门免费的女性专用课程,叫做 Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Training. This safety education program consists of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques 这可以帮助减少你成为受害者的机会. We focus on awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. 只有经过认证的教师才能教授这门课程,并且在不同的 times throughout the year.

For more information, ask for the R.A.D. Coordinator, Officers Tyler Robins when you call us at (626)585-7484.


Whether or not you take a self-defense course, here are some suggestions for how to respond to an attacker:

  • 如果有人想抢你的背包或钱包,就让他们拿走吧. It’s better to lose these important things than to let the attack escalate further—you risk being injured and could lose more than your belongings.
  • 提前计划:你想过你的身体和精神优势是什么吗? Think about these during a calm moment, so you know what you’re willing and able to do to defend yourself. 你可能跑得很快,所以最好试着逃跑,或者 你可能很自信你可以踢或打攻击者. If you plan ahead, you’ll be more likely to use potential weapons that you wouldn't have thought about 在压力下,比如你的背包、鞋子或珠宝. Your immediate response is your choice, so trust your instincts enough to make a choice quickly and follow through with it.
  • It’s okay to be impolite or draw attention to yourself if someone is making you uncomfortable—even if it’s someone you know. 最好能引起别人的注意,得到附近的帮助 它是试图独自处理一个可怕的情况.
  • 虽然在危机中迅速做出决定很重要,但同样重要 to be calm and confident. 这将给你一个理性思考选择的机会 and quickly.

Safety Tips for Day-to-day Life

Do you have a busy day-to-day life? 大多数大学生都有,所以很容易忘记 (或不知道)潜在的危险或危险的情况. What follows is a list we've created of these types of situations and environments with some helpful self-protection suggestions.

While using an ATM

  • If you feel threatened, push the “cancel” button to eject your card and end the transaction. You can come back later or use a different one. Also, if you’re using the ATM late 晚上,可以考虑带一个朋友或家人来支持你.
  • Always try to use a well-lit, indoor ATM; these are especially safe if there is a security guard on duty.

While at home or in your apartment

  • Be sure you have effective locks on your doors and windows, and use your locks even when you’re at home. 此外,考虑定期更换锁/钥匙——尤其是 when you move to a new place.
  • 如果你不认识的人来找你,要他们出示身份证明. It might seem strange, but it’ll give you more time to decide if you’re comfortable, and it’ll 让对方知道你是认真认真的. If the person asks for a phone—even 打电话求助——你自己就可以帮他们打电话.
  • Try to be alert and stay in well-lit areas when alone near your home or apartment—such as when you’re in the garage or doing laundry.
  • When you leave for the night, leave at least one light on so intruders suspect someone is home; otherwise, when you are home, consider closing the blinds or curtains to protect your privacy.
  • Have a plan ready in case there’s an emergency. What are your local emergency numbers, and would you be able to find them quickly? What’s the best way to leave your house during a fire or if there’s an intruder? 地震时你应该在哪里找避难所? Also, get to know your neighbors if you can, so it’s easier to ask them for help during a disturbing situation.
  • 最后,把一串家里的钥匙留给朋友,而不是放在门廊上 in the mailbox. 这样,如果你被锁在外面,你可以打电话给你的朋友,而不是 把钥匙放在窃贼很容易找到的地方.

While walking in a public place or on the street

  • Be confident. 攻击者寻找最容易的目标,所以如果你表现出警觉 有能力的话,你可能会减少被袭击的几率. It’s also best to travel with a friend or partner.
  • If you notice someone following you or being suspicious—such as if you see the same car or person more than once while you’re walking—change directions or cross the street. If someone tries to speak with you from a vehicle or face-to-face, it’s okay to keep some space between you.
  • Be prepared: keep one hand free to defend yourself; wear clothes that allow you easy movement. 例如,穿高跟鞋走路可能很有吸引力,但这样做也会使 it difficult to run or protect yourself.
  • If you are frightened or distressed, having pepper spray (and knowing how to use it) is a great resource. 当你认为自己已经成功的时候,最好反应过度而不是反应不足 might be at risk.
  • While it’s best to vary your regular routes, if you do walk the same path every night, 注意那些营业到很晚的加油站和商店. This way, you’ll know where to go for help in an emergency.

While driving your car

  • When approaching your car, keep your keys in your hand—for easy access and for self-defense purposes. 一旦你在车里,检查后座和地板,然后锁上门. When leaving your car, be sure your valuables are not visible so burglars are less tempted to break in.
  • 确保车里至少有半箱汽油,而且你的车状态良好 条件,这样你就不会被困在不安全的地方.
  • 光线充足的停车场是最安全的,但即便如此,也要保持警惕. For instance, if you can avoid parking next to a van, do so, since you could be pulled in through the sliding door.
  • If you are concerned for your safety, stay in your locked vehicle, but raise the hood 或者打开应急灯通知别人你需要帮助. If another person 如果有人来帮忙,只要把你的窗户打开一点,让他或她打电话 the police or the auto club. 否则,尽快用手机拨打911. 如果你在校园里,你也可以拨打PCC警察和安全服务部的电话:(626) 585-7484.

While on the phone

  • Try to keep your personal information as private as possible by being cautious about 电话调查或任何通过电话询问详细问题的人.
  • If you plan to change your voicemail while you’re on vacation or away from home, keep 信息是通用的,这样潜在的攻击者就不会发现你在哪里 your home is unprotected. 同时,让你的朋友和家人知道他们没有 to answer any personal questions about you. They’ll likely appreciate the same from you.
  • 有关如何应对电话威胁的详细信息,请点击这里.

While on an elevator

  • As with any situation, check your surroundings before you enter—and if something or 好像有人打扰你,等下一辆电梯. If this occurs to you while you’re already riding the elevator, press all the buttons so you can exit quickly. Our elevators here at PCC all have emergency phones, so call us if you’re ever concerned.

While using public transportation

  • Plan your schedule ahead of time, so you don’t have to wait alone for a long period. 如果你必须等待,找一个光线充足的地方和其他人一起. If anyone makes you 如果感到不舒服,可以大声说:“住手”或“别烦我”.” If you think someone has followed you to or from the bus, walk toward a populated area rather than going straight home. 虽然在这之后你可能会感到害怕,但最好还是打个电话 朋友或在安全的地方等另一辆公共汽车,而不是搭便车.
  • Although you might be exhausted from a long day, stay awake while riding the bus or train—try to get sleep in a safer, private place.

While cycling or jogging

  • If possible, consider jogging with a friend, and try exploring different routes vary your routine. 这里有比以往更多的自行车道和慢跑路线,所以你看 if you can try several. 这将有助于阻止其他人预测你会去哪里 be (and from targeting you).
  • 晚上,穿浅色衣服或佩戴反光标志. These are very 帮助疲惫或分心的司机识别你是慢跑或骑自行车的人. It’s also good to keep to the right side of the rode (in a bike path, if possible) because that’s where drivers expect you to be. When you encounter a busy intersection, it’s tempting to ride or run quickly through it, but it’s better to walk so drivers can see you.
  • Do you know the hand signals for cyclists? Check these out, so you can indicate to drivers that you’re changing direction.
  • Let your friends or roommates know when you leave and when you should be expected to return. This will probably make them feel better, too.
  • Before you leave on your bike, do you check the air in your tires and make sure the blinking lights work? 这将花费不到一分钟的时间,将帮助你避免很多 longer delay later.
  • If cycling, use a “U” bolt lock, and connect it to a bike rack through one wheel and the frame of the bike. 看看你是否能找到一个光线充足的地方——尤其是如果你要去的话 returning to your bicycle at night.
  • If you see someone standing near the bike rack for a long period, they might be checking for an easy bike to steal. 请随时打电话给我们,我们可以检查一下- (626)585 -7484.
  • Any time you’re approached by someone when you’re alone, it’s okay not to talk with them. 在力所能及的情况下提供帮助是很好的,但指路或指路是有风险的 have a chat with someone while you’re out alone.
  • We all listen to music, right?尤其是在锻炼的时候,但无论你是在旅行 on a bus, jogging, or riding your bicycle, music can prevent you from hearing a car or an attacker. 意识到你的环境对任何和所有的自我安全都是至关重要的 tips, so give it a try!